Saturday, July 28, 2012

Classroom Jobs

I have been working in my classroom trying to get it all ready for the school year.  I am trying to be super organized this year since I will also have to plan for maternity leave between Thanksgiving and Christmas break.  My goal is to get my room 100% completely done by the end of this week so I can focus on lessons and planning for this semester.  I am laughing as I type this because as much as I say I am going to be prepared, we all know that you are never prepared when it comes to teaching first grade, RIGHT?? 

Anyways, last year I didn't use classroom jobs, so I thought I would go back and give them a shot this year and see how they go.  I created some job titles to use to display in my classroom.  I think I plan to attach my signs above a cute library pocket, then I will use popsicle sticks and place students names on them to place in the pocket for whoever has that job for the week.  I think I will change jobs every Monday to keep studetns excited about them.  I don't have a picture to share with you, but once I get them posted and set up in my classroom, I will take a picture and share it with you!!

I just uploaded this packet of jobs to my TPT store {here}
I included three different designs, so one of them is sure to suit your fancy!!  Here's what they look like!

 I would like to give this packet away to 2 lucky winners.  All you have to do is leave me a comment about anything and your email address.  You have until Tuesday (7-31) to leave me any comment plus your email.  I will announce the winners on Wednesday (8-1)!!  Good Luck!!

If you can't wait until then to have these jobs, they are on sale {here} for $1.60 now through Sunday evening. 


  1. I was just about to make some! You would save me so much time!! They look great!

  2. I also am going to try to do classroom jobs this year:)

  3. I love the different jobs you have! Would love to win a set :)

  4. You do such good work! Have a great school year!

  5. Love this! Hope you are successful in completing your room by the end of the week!!!

  6. You are always organized! Thanks for teaching me do much during my time in your classroom! :)

  7. These look like a great collection of classroom jobs.

  8. Thanks so much for sharing this great info! I am looking forward to see more posts! Jobs & career

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  50. The Gonski Report addresses the issue of government funding for education in Australia. It avoids the 'pink elephant' in the classroom, however and that is that you can't improve the educational performance of children who do not want to learn and who do not value education. Parents are the first educators of a child, not the School and if parents teach the wrong values the government will not succeed with education until it provides the child with a new first educator, outside the school. The Gonski Report confuses the need for education funding with social services funding. acim blog

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  55. The Gonski Report addresses the issue of government funding for education in Australia. It avoids the 'pink elephant' in the classroom, however and that is that you can't improve the educational performance of children who do not want to learn and who do not value education. Parents are the first educators of a child, not the School and if parents teach the wrong values the government will not succeed with education until it provides the child with a new first educator, outside the school. The Gonski Report confuses the need for education funding with social services funding. How to Hear the Holy Spirit

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  57. Memoir writing services have become popular because people love to save and share the chapters of their lives. Memoir writing services are used by people who desire to keep their past alive for future generations. Since most people do not have the time or experience to write effective memoirs, a ghostwriter is a viable option.

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  61. No two writers think alike. Everyone is unique. For the same reason, everyone has his own manner of using language. But as far as the science of essay writing is concerned, there are some general parameters to be followed. While writing an essay, certain tips will help you to make it an excellent one. Political campaign

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  63. No two writers think alike. Everyone is unique. For the same reason, everyone has his own manner of using language. But as far as the science of essay writing is concerned, there are some general parameters to be followed. While writing an essay, certain tips will help you to make it an excellent one. coida application form

  64. This article examines the limitations of formal educational training. It also sensitizes the reader on the fact that being a graduate does not guarantee a bright future. Thus, it recommends how people can improve their lives when school days are over in order to enjoy healthy and happy future. Fertility Reading

  65. This article examines the limitations of formal educational training. It also sensitizes the reader on the fact that being a graduate does not guarantee a bright future. Thus, it recommends how people can improve their lives when school days are over in order to enjoy healthy and happy future. Pregnancy Tarot Reading

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